Pastense's "Sidewalk Chalk, Parade Day Rain" CD Pre-Order begins!

The Pre-Order for Pastense's Uncommon Nasa-produced debut original full length on Uncommon Records, Sidewalk Chalk, Parade Day Rain - begins today.

Appearing on the album are Guilty Simpson, Guillotine Crowns (Uncommon Nasa & Short Fuze), junclassic and Shortrock. Nasa appears in a few spots throughout the album additionally and there is a Samurai Banana Remix included.

The second single, Save the Lanternflies (w/ Guillotine Crowns - Uncommon Nasa & Short Fuze) dropped today on all streaming services including Spotify and Apple Music, and the CD is available for pre-order at our Bandcamp and in our Webshop. The CD version comes with a full 12-page lyric booklet and beautiful original art pieces by his father, John Tracey (layout by JenniferPowellArt). Be sure to follow Pastense on Spotify and follow our Official Playlist to keep up with more singles and the album drop on June 7th.