Karniege - Mad Cow Milk b/w Busy Boys 45 RPM 7" Single

Karniege - Mad Cow Milk b/w Busy Boys 45 RPM 7" Single


Limited Edition 7" Single of the classic Karniege and Uncommon Nasa track, Mad Cow Milk! Backed with the gem, Busy Boys which also features Access Immortal and Marq Spekt. Produced by Uncommon Nasa. Turntables on both tracks by the one and only Shortrock!

Ships for 7/22/2022, Pre-Order now to secure yours!

Released via Uncommon Restoration.

Produced by Uncommon Nasa.

Mixed by Uncommon Nasa.

Mastered by Nasa @ Nasa Labs, NYC.

Turntables by Shortrock.

Busy Boys features Access Immortal and Marq Spekt.

Artwork and Layout by DJ Jazzpants.

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